As we countdown to the New Year and the end of the Last 3 Months Challenge, it seems only appropriate that today's workout involves time. The uniquely challenging format combines elements of cardio, barbells, bodyweight movements, and time for accountability.
If it looks intimidating at first glance, don't sweat it. It is totally scalable if you play around with your weights and substitute the suggestion modifications for certain movements. Full workout notes are found below! Warm Up
1:30 Row @ 50%
10 Empty Bar Push Press 10 Empty Bar Hang Snatches 3 Inch Worms 1:30 Row @ 75% 10 Light Deadlifts 10 Good Mornings Modification for Hang Snatches = Kettlebell Swings Mobility
Wrist Mobility
0:20 each position 0:30 Dragon Lunge, right 0:30 Dragon Lunge, left 10 Pass Overs 10 Circles 0:20 PVC Tricep Stretch, right 0:20 PVC Tricep Stretch, left Workout
500m Row
50 Deadlift @ 105#/145# (gals/guys) ->5 Kettlebell Swings (@ 35#) every 0:30 seconds 500m Row 100 Double Unders // Modification = 300 Single Unders ("Doubles") -> 5 PoR Push Ups every 0:30 500m Row 50 Hang Snatches @ 55#/95# -> 5 PoR Push Ups every 0:30 seconds 500m Row 50 Push Press @ 55#/95# -> 5 Kettlebell Swings every 0:30 seconds Total Time: ________ Trainer Notes:
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WOD stands for Workout of the Day
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