Our health ranges beyond our blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and to the mental and emotional spaces in which we dwell. What affect does what you say, have on your health and that of others?
To take, or not to take? That is the question. Supplements have been a buzzword in recent years, and a focal point of public confusion. What are they and should you be taking them?
There is a massive amount of misinformation out there regarding nutrition, and fitness for that matter, which leaves many of us on health journeys confused on which direction to take.
The emotional and physical burden of an unhealthy lifestyle can be a lifelong struggle that eventually leads to feelings of unhappiness and chronic health conditions.
The following five strategies are things coaches seldom talk about, but when applied to your daily grind can make all the difference in your overall confidence and long-term success as an athlete.
*Also featured on Breaking Muscle
Fire up a furnace of motivation that burns long after the start of your new goal and even forms into something stronger and more life lasting that motivation: internal drive.
These tips will help you to make recovery productive and effective, thereby allowing for reduced soreness and increased energy the day after a workout.